Tonsil Stones 101 – Tonsil Stones and Bad


Bad breath has many possible causes and points of origin in the body. The most common type is caused by bacteria in the mouth. In other instances, however, bad breath originates in the throat, lungs or stomach and may be a symptom of a disease such as diabetes, gastric ulcer, sinus infections, tonsillitis, or tonsillolith or tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones are calcifications in the mouth that give off a bad smell and taste when they break open. They may be caused by a number of factors including improper oral hygiene and deep crypts in the tonsils. People who often have sinusitis or copious nasal drip may also develop tonsillolith, which in fact, are masses formed from bacteria, mucous and other wastes in this part of the body. Bad breath caused by this condition is popularly termed halitosis; however the proper term is ozostomia. (The former refers to bad breath originating in the lungs, and the latter in the upper respiratory system.) Treatment of stones is usually not difficult. One may gargle with a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide or a specific brand of mouthwash prescribed by a doctor. For clearing out mucous, one may use Sudafed, Guaifenesin, Amoxicillin or an antihistamine. These are common drugs that either thin out the mucous or decongest it.

Bad breath caused by tonsil stones can have a very negative impact on one’s social life, career and personal self-esteem. If you have this problem, request for an ENT (ear, nose, throat) at the nearest clinic.. The ENT doctor may prescribe medicine or simple treatments. If nothing else works, you can have your tonsils surgically removed and the bad breath won’t return.


Source by Aseem Gupta

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