Thera Breath Does More Then Mask Bad


Thera breath does more than mask the foul odor in your mouth it conquers it. This mouthwash came out in 1997 and is now one of America’s favorite bad breath fixes. Every thera breath creation will kill the bacteria that is the cause of bad breath.

The by-product of the bacteria that lives on your tongue, in your teeth and throat is a foul odor coming from your mouth. The bacteria in your mouth is a naturally occurring part of digestion, they break down protein, so it can be digested. Bad breath happens when the protein found in mucous, phlegm or food is broken down at a fast rate. This will happen when there is too much protein left in your mouth. Thera breath acts quickly to kill the excess bacteria this is why it works so well.

The complicated description of the foul smell coming from your mouth does not seem any better than saying that it is decomposing food or phlegm that is responsible for your bad breath. When you have a cold or allergies and your body is producing more mucous than usual or if you have a lot of food particles in your mouth the bacteria has to work harder at breaking it down. That is when you really need thera breath to control the bad breath.

Bacteria is present in everyone’s mouth, and since they are needed for digestion you do not want to get rid of all of the bacteria, you just need to slow down the rate at which they work. Research shows that thera breath slows the rate of bacteria and destroys the waste products that are produced when bacteria digests protein.

All of this decaying food and bacteria sounds gross when you realize that this is going on in your mouth, but it happens all the time. The only thing you can do to keep it under control is regular brushing, flossing using a tongue scraper that will get the dry film off your tongue, and rinsing your mouth with a product like thera breath.

Thera breath makes more than just mouthwash. They have a whole line of oral care products including toothpaste. All of their products will act quickly to rid your mouth of excess bacteria. The tongue scraper thera breath makes, is designed to easily remove the film from your tongue.

You need to keep in mind, that you cannot mask bad breath, you need to destroy the bacteria that is causing it. Thera breath has all of the products you will need to keep your mouth clean and fresh.


Source by Jean Weindoop

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