Pros and Cons of Morning After Pills

[ad_1] The use of morning after pill has both advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Here are a few pros and cons you need to be aware of: Pros: 1. It can be your last resort to avoid unwanted pregnancy. 2. If you are 17 years of age or over, you don’t need a prescription … Read more

Understanding the Causes of Pyria and Gum

[ad_1] Pyria is the technical term used for describing gums disease. It is also named as bleeding gums. This usually occurs when there is inflammation of the gums, as the blood vessels beneath the gums will dilate and can rupture more easily. This is a serious indication that there is something wrong with your teeth. … Read more

Dog Grooming Tips For Better Health And

[ad_1] Good grooming is more than just having a smart dog. You can handle potential health problems. So, dog owners need to learn how to groom their dogs. It helps to identify the health issues at an early stage and get it treated successfully. Dog’s eyes Dog’s eyes should be shiny, white, and crust-free. Eye-lids … Read more

Oral Thrush Treatment – Alleviating the

[ad_1] Oral thrush can literally be a pain in the mouth, and if left untreated, can lead to serious troubles. Eating can be very unpleasant to downright painful if you’re not being mindful of what’s irritating the inflamed areas of your mouth. This article will share a few tips on how you can decrease the … Read more

The Benefits of Toothpaste

[ad_1] Most Americans wouldn’t think twice about brushing their teeth without toothpaste. Why? The use of toothpaste has been around for thousands of years. While oral care has become more important in recent years due to improved dental health knowledge, better dental practices and improved dental technology and products, the use of toothpaste as a … Read more

The Mouthwash Conspiracy

[ad_1] Many adults have the need to cure bad breath (or halitosis) yet How many of us have used Listerine® to keep your mouth clean and your breath fresh? The claim that Listerine will “Kill the germs that cause bad breath” is spurious. It is now scientifically proven that using alcohol based ‘antiseptic mouthwashes’ is … Read more

The Best Times to Use Mouthwash

[ad_1] Using mouthwash to keep your gums, teeth, and tongue clean and free from bacteria is a great way to promote your own dental health. Most brands come with specific instructions on the bottle for how often to use it, and how long to swish it around in your clean and healthy mouth. You should … Read more

Benefits of Green Tea in External Use

[ad_1] A true ally of health Always surprising, green tea now adds to its long list of benefits, different external applications. If you want to know what these uses are treated, read this article to be aware. For a long time, tea has a worldwide reputation and is recognized as one of the healthiest and … Read more