Quick But Healthy Breakfast Recipes

[ad_1] Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Missing out on breakfast will not only cause stress levels to rise, but will make the stomach acids burn through the stomach and esophageal lining and cause, horror of horrors, bad breath. Breakfast is called just that because it literally means to break the fast … Read more

Can Tonsil Stones Cause a Sore Throat?

[ad_1] There are many different causes of a sore throat. It can be strep throat, a simple nasal drip from a cold, or sore and inflamed tonsils. But if your tonsils are bothering you, it is not necessarily caused by tonsillitis. Something called tonsil stones might be the cause of the sore throat feeling. Tonsil … Read more

Trends in Youth Can Lead to Oral Health

[ad_1] Many trends today come and go, but unfortunately some of these can lead to oral health complications. Oral piercings and dental grills are popular among youth today and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia may seem to be a craze for a short period of time, but can lead to long-term, expensive dental … Read more

Constipation in Children

[ad_1] Constipation usually means difficulty in passing a stool; diminished frequency in opening of the bowels or the passage of hard, dry stools. Constipation is a common childhood problem. The signs that a child may have constipation include: pain and straining when going to the toilet. A hard stool can tear the lining of the … Read more

Alternative Therapy: Yoga, An Ancient

[ad_1] Yoga as an integrated form of exercise may be used for treatment of panic and anxiety disorder in combined with standard treatment. Panic and anxiety disorder is a mental condition characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks. of sudden periods of intense fear inducing palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling that … Read more

5 Reasons Why Electric Toothbrushes Are

[ad_1] Electric toothbrushes have been gaining popularity and patronage due to their many benefits. Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons why you should switch to one. 1. They help keep you teeth cleaner and healthier as the specially designed heads are able to reach deeper and less accessible places in the mouth … Read more

Excess Vaginal Wetness – What are Your

[ad_1] Vaginal Wetness during Sex: YOU MAY BE WETTER THAN NECESSARY! Most of us assume that sex is best when wet, but are you feeling as much as you could be from intercourse? Just like a car engine, there is an upper and lower range that is required for maximum performance. Too much natural lubrication … Read more

Why Am I So Damn Angry?

[ad_1] Anger? Most of us get angry from time to time, but some of us struggle to keep our anger under control. It can rear it’s ugly head far too many times than what’s considered acceptable – not just by others, but by our own standards too. I don’t consider myself to be an angry … Read more

Bad Breath – It May Be From Your Tonsils

[ad_1] Tonsilloliths Known by most as “tonsil stones”, these formations reside inside the crypts of the tonsil. They’re composed mostly of dead white blood cells, bacteria, and food debris. They form in most post, due to an intolerance to lactose or gluten. They can cause sore throats, ear pain, bleeding tonsils, and most common – … Read more